document.write('\r\n\r\n'); var isDHTML = 0; var isID = 0; var isAll = 0; var isLayers = 0; if (document.getElementById) {isID = 1; isDHTML = 1;} else { if (document.all) {isAll = 1; isDHTML = 1;} else { browserVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if ((navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) && (browserVersion == 4)) {isLayers = 1; isDHTML = 1;} }} function findDOM(objectID,withStyle) { if (withStyle == 1) { if (isID) { return (document.getElementById(objectID).style) ; } else { if (isAll) { return (document.all[objectID].style); } else { if (isLayers) { return (document.layers[objectID]); } };} } else { if (isID) { return (document.getElementById(objectID)) ; } else { if (isAll) { return (document.all[objectID]); } else { if (isLayers) { return (document.layers[objectID]); } };} } } function findLeft(objectID) { var domStyle = findDOM(objectID,1); var dom = findDOM(objectID,0); if (domStyle.left) return domStyle.left; if (domStyle.pixelLeft) return domStyle.pixelLeft; if (dom.offsetLeft) return dom.offsetLeft; return (null); } function findTop(objectID) { var domStyle = findDOM(objectID,1); var dom = findDOM(objectID,0); if ( return; if (domStyle.pixelTop) return domStyle.pixelTop; if (dom.offsetTop) return dom.offsetTop; return (null); } function moveObjectTo(objectID,x,y) { var domStyle = findDOM(objectID,1); domStyle.left = x; = y; } function moveObjectBy(objectID,deltaX,deltaY) { var domStyle = findDOM(objectID,1); var dom = findDOM(objectID,0); if (domStyle.pixelLeft) { domStyle.pixelLeft += deltaX; domStyle.pixelTop += deltaY; } else { if (dom.offsetLeft != null) { var plusLeft = dom.offsetLeft; var plusTop = dom.offsetTop; domStyle.left = deltaX + plusLeft; = deltaY + plusTop; } else dom.moveBy(deltaX,deltaY); } } function setVisibility(objectID,state) { var dom = findDOM(objectID,1); dom.visibility = state; } function toggleVisibility(objectID) { var dom = findDOM(objectID,1); state = dom.visibility; if (state == 'hidden' || state == 'hide' ) dom.visibility = 'visible'; else { if (state == 'visible' || state=='show') dom.visibility = 'hidden'; else dom.visibility = 'visible'; } } function changeSrc(objectID, newSrc) { var dom = findDOM(objectID,0); dom.src = newSrc; } function setClip(objectID, clipTop, clipRight, clipBottom, clipLeft) { var dom = findDOM(objectID,1); if (dom.clip.left) { = clipTop; dom.clip.right = clipRight; dom.clip.bottom = clipBottom; dom.clip.left = clipLeft; } dom.clip = 'rect(' + clipTop + ' ' + clipRight + ' ' + clipBottom + ' ' + clipLeft +')'; } function findScrollTop() { if (window.pageYOffset != null) return window.pageYOffset; if (document.body.scrollWidth != null) return document.body.scrollTop; return (null); } function getCookieVal (offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } function getCookie (name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } var defaultGIF, defaultLink, bannerWidth, bannerHeight, layerWidth, layerHeight, splashPath, infolayer; bannerWidth = 468; bannerHeight = 45; defaultGIF = new Image(); defaultGIF.src = ""; spacerGIF = new Image(); spacerGIF.src = "" layerWidth = 468; layerHeight = 285; splashPath = ""; framePath = ""; if (document.all) { // build the adbanner layer document.write('
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